Moving to a git monorepo without losing history

I am still hesitant to recommend to everyone to simplify their lives and move to a monorepo. But one can certainly go to extremes with many repositories. Juggling a system with tens of repositories is no fun either.

So, how can we re-combine several repositories back to one, without losing any history? This is a process that is doable but not entirely straightforward.

The essential steps are the following:

  • Create a new empty repository and commit at least one file.
  • Add the repositories to be merged, as remotes
  • Create branches from the master branches of these repositories
  • Filter the branches to add a directory prefix to each repository
  • Merge these branches in our new cummulative master (using the magic --allow-unrelated-histories parameter).
  • Cleanup our repo from the unneded remotes, branches and commits

Lets see a script that does just that...

# Creates a new monorepo by fusing multiple repositories

# Child repositories that are going to be fused
CHILDREN="repo_lib_a repo_lib_b"

# Name of the created monorepo

# Exit in case of any error
set -e

# Be verbose
set -x

# create the monorepo
git init

# Create a first commit. A first commit is needed in order to be able to merge into master afterwards
echo "*~" >.placeholder
git add .placeholder
git commit -m "First commit"
git rm .placeholder
git commit -m "Remove placeholder file"

# Add remotes for all children
for repo in $CHILDREN; do
        git remote add "$repo" "${repo}.git"

# Fetch all child repositories
git fetch --all

# Checkout all the master branches of the child repositories
for repo in $CHILDREN; do
        git checkout -f -b "${repo}_master" "${repo}/master"
        # Rewrite history to move all repo files into a subdirectory
        export SUBDIRECTORY="${repo}"
        git filter-branch -f --index-filter '
    git ls-files -s | sed "s-\t-&${SUBDIRECTORY}/-" | GIT_INDEX_FILE=$ git update-index --index-info && if [ -f "$" ]; then mv "$" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"; fi' --

# Switch back to our master branch
git checkout -f master

# Merge all the repositories in our master branch.
for repo in $CHILDREN; do
        git merge --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories "${repo}_master"

        git commit -a -m "Merge ${repo} in subdir"

# remove all child repo branches and remotes
for repo in $CHILDREN; do
        git branch -D "${repo}_master"
        git remote remove "${repo}"

# prune all history and do an aggressive gc
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

Get the script to try it out.

The only caveat in my opinion is that there might be a better way if these repositories were already being used as submodules of a main repository.
In that case, there might be a way to merge that maintains the connection between versions across repositories.

In my case, the repositories were not really connected and I feel that this timeline that assumes that they were just parallel developments, that get merged today, is more true to what actually happenned.

Keeping true to the timeline of the development might appear messy, but is actually better than some good looking but fake history.

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